Pakistan’s 1st National Girls’ Mentoring Initiative

“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.”

Aim High encourages and inspires young girls to pursue their dreams by introducing them to substantial and positive female role model figures, who have struggled their way up in different career paths. We want the girls to choose traditional and non-traditional careers that they could pursue despite societal pressures and family discouragement by creating a platform where they can learn from the personal and professional experiences, struggles and successes of female mentors.

Though the challenges that girls in Pakistan face in terms of education are complex and multifaceted, perhaps one of the most significant hindrances to their prospects is an overarching lack of inspiration and direction. The lack of professional college and career counselling, as well as the prevalence of uninformed parents that can provide guidance and direction, has created a void that the Aim High initiative aspires to address. The program provides counselling and information on different learning paths that can lead to various careers in Pakistan and abroad. It also provides information and link support for entrepreneurship.

Aim High identifies successful Pakistani women, recognizes their efforts, and provides them with a platform where they can create a larger, positive impact on society. It thus plays a critical role in highlighting future leaders.


Road shows are organized in selected colleges, where mentors are given the opportunity to share their stories with young students. Leadership development programs are also conducted to build confidence among the girls. These talks and sessions are followed by roundtable discussions with girls, categorized around various careers/sectors so that the girls may choose as per their individual interests.

Mentoring Program

Students are also given the opportunity to apply for our mentoring program. During the program selected participants engage in group sessions as well as one-to-one interactions with their mentors, and are given support and advice in terms of careers and higher education.

Small get-togethers are periodically arranged for mentors and mentees to record their experience of the program and assess how it has impacted their career goals. The program is reviewed and refined iteratively, based on the participants’ feedback.


Page will also offer scholarship to the deserving students who will be selected based on their academic performance and career goals.

For more details on the profiles of our growing list of role models and the application process.